The ITSinsider Blog is now a Series of Books

I had a great career before the Internet blessed me with a second career. This second career was paved with a free tool we now know as blogging. The 300 or so posts that constituted the ITSinsider blog tracked my progress, and enabled me to emerge as a leading voice in the Enterprise 2.0 community of thinkers and activists.

I wanted to preserve the names, dates, the history of this era so we created a book series of these blog posts. You can buy them on Amazon. They’re available in paperback or on Kindle.

It might be useful some day for some researcher or grad student, so the link to the Amazon page is here.

It was an exciting era to be involved in tech– an optimistic and positive decade where a large, connected network of passionate individuals were interested in making a difference in the world. I was thrilled to be part of it.



Author: Susan Scrupski

Longtime fan of technology to improve humanity.