So they say Businessweek is known to fan the flames of irrational exuberance by publishing covers such as this one on Web 2.0 darling Digg’s founder Kevin Rose. The beauty of the blogosphere is you’ll immediately get a credible reaction like this one to put it in perspective.
The more I research Enterprise 2.0 and its possibilities, however, the more I am encouraged. I’ve tracked startup trends for years in technology, and have to admit, don’t want to get burned up upon re-entry (again). The ideology has so much promise, but so far, very little demonstrable case studies. I asked Dion Hinchcliffe– a leading voice in the Enterprise 2.0 to solicit “real” examples, proofs of concept for Enterprise 2.0 applications and initiatives underway in the Global 2000 or in the SMB market. He did that today on his ZDNet blog.
For my part, I’m going to start my own tracking. Please email me ( with any and all examples of users/knowledge workers utilizing Enterprise 2.0 tools to get work done– outside of the domain of the traditional, centralized IT command center. That’s not to say IT may or may not have assisted, but the idea is “independent and productive via the web.”