Holiday Rap

Slogging through the holiday season, I’m finally feeling the peace and joy of it all. I was moved by Time Magazine’s Person of the Year Award being, well, us. I know my bit part in the greater Web 2.0 experiment is just that. I’m so often humbled by what I read in the blogosphere and other outlets on the web, but it’s uplifting to know I’m a part of a greater contributing human voice.

A lot of isolated incidents have happened in the past few days that have brought this message home to me. Take Rod’s Boothby’s blog where he writes recently about his unplanned trek to celebrity and a next-gen career through his brilliant blog insights, or the invite I received this morning in my email to blog on Darfur. I was even moved by Loic LeMeur’s detailed response to all the negativity he received for leweb3 where he called for greater participation for societal change.

The bottom line is: it’s happening. The digital age is upon us. It’s the spirit of collaboration and giving that is opening minds and hearts, bringing new opportunities to individuals who heretofore wondered if what they thought mattered in the grand scheme of it all. I’m an optimist, and I believe only more good can come from sharing our lives and insights around the planet.

Happy Holidays whereever and whoever you are. Thanks for reading this year.


Author: Susan Scrupski

Longtime fan of technology to improve humanity.

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