Want One? Have One? Listen up.
The word came today that if you’re joining us at the Office 2.0 conference, you’re getting an iPhone. If you already have an iPhone, boy, you’re gonna give it a workout at this conference. The theme for this year’s Office 2.0 conference is Mobility Productivity & Collaboration. The entire conference will be run off the iPhone. If you want to exchange contact info with other attendees, you’ll use your iPhone… you’ll see demos with your iPhone… you will vote for demos with your iPhone… you will ask questions to panels and moderators through your iPhone… you will watch presentations from other sessions through your iPhone… and, oh, the whole conference will be videopodcasting live, viewable on the iPhone and around the world. But this is one conference you won’t want to watch on a screen– you will want to be there.
And yes, we’re importing speakers/moderators from outside the US, as the “officeless office” is a global phenomenon. Our European and Asia/Pacific friends have a lot to teach us about mobile productivity & collaboration.
Ismael is truly pushing the envelop with this nextgen Office 2.0 event. He is starting to blog regularly on the technologies and philosophies that are driving Office 2.0. The history of this conference truly embodies the free-form, emergent spirit that is driving the 2.0 phenomenon. If this year’s event is even a fraction as exciting as last year’s, and I know already it is primed to far surpass it, we are setting a new, high bar for conference organizing, attending, engaging, and learning.
So wish I could get to some of these US conferences. The conference list in Australia isn’t anything near as interesting yet…
But at AU$2500 for the airfare plus conference costs, it’s just prohibitive.
I guess I need to spend a year working in the USA… 🙂