A Round-up of Enterprise 2.0-related tidbits

Jive Clearspace has begun an open community where e2.0 fans, friends, and enemies (that means you Tom Davenport :-)) can have an opportunity to share war stories, successes, and get questions answered. The community site is called ClearStep. Of course, you can always share your opinions on our nGenera site, as well. Oliver Marks tipped me off to this site too by Imaginatik which appears to be powered by Ning, but there are some great wikinomics-style case studies and discussion threads there you might want to participate in.

Second, I’ve been meaning to blog about this for awhile. Nick Barker has created a one-stop shop for aggregating all current goings-on and content related to Enterprise 2.0 at his Enterprise 2.0 Portal site. The site is free and should be on everyone’s feed reader. Make sure you check it out.

And, in case you missed it, the venerable consulting institution, McKinsey & Co. published its global survey results for “Building the Web 2.0 Enterprise.” It’s also free, but you have to give them your contact info.

Finally, Niall Cook who founded one of my favorite products, Cogenz, (in his spare time) released his new book, “Enterprise 2.0: How Social Software will change the future of work.” I have not read it yet, but I’m certain it’s another must-have for your e2.0 bookshelf– IF you have a liberal expense account. It’s a little pricey at $89.95. I asked Niall about the price, he said it’s because the publisher sells mainly to an institutional and academic market. I’m hoping for a review copy, or will have to wait for the eBook or paperback version. Or maybe I can get a discount because Don Tapscott wrote the forward? (Humm… just realized we need to update Don’s profile on Wikipedia to reflect nGenera. Damn these Internets, always need to be current!). Actually, Niall may have taken a page out of the Wikinomics playbook, because it appears you can co-create with the community to add more content on each of the book’s chapters with this wiki hosted by Socialtext. He’s also blogging on the major themes of the book here.

Author: Susan Scrupski

Longtime fan of technology to improve humanity.

2 thoughts on “A Round-up of Enterprise 2.0-related tidbits”

  1. Susan

    Congratulations on being the SMT blogger of the week. I also liked your rules for bloggers that Jerry Bowles blogged about. Additional congratulations on your new role at nGenera. Hope to see you at the next fast conference if not sooner. bill

  2. Like the new home for Itinsider, very colourful.

    Thanks Susan for the great endorsement and linking to E20portal.com and my personal blog. See you in SF for the Office2.0 conference. Looking forward to it. We have a preview interview with Ismael Ghalimi next week and then E20portal.com is running a piece on Office2.0.

    Best, Nick

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